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Defence Projects

Tweed Heads Multi-User Depot
Jabin is engaged as the Project Manager/Contract Administrator (PM/CA) for a new ADF Reserve and Australian Army Cadet facility on a greenfield site in Tweed Heads, NSW. This facility is designed to meet both current and future capability needs. Directly engaged by the Department of Defence, the project has a budget of $7.76M, with construction slated for completion in 2024.

2CER Hardstand, Gallipoli Barracks
Jabin has been appointed as the PM/CA for the construction of a 3,500m² concrete hardstand at Gallipoli Barracks, Enoggera, QLD. This project will facilitate the relocation of the 2CER’s tracked plant capability to the Plant Training Area. Engaged directly by the Department of Defence, the project carries a budget of $7.3M.

HMAS Watson
Jabin has been engaged to provide full façade engineering services, including design certification, for the new office administration building at HMAS Watson. This project is being carried out in collaboration with the façade contractor, Onsite Group.

In partnership with GHD Australia, Jabin is assisting in the delivery of the Army Aboriginal Community Assistance Programme (AACAP) project in Amata, APY Lands, SA. GHD is engaged by the National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA) in a technical advisory role, with Army 19th Chief Engineer Works overseeing the design and construction of service providers' accommodation and community-wide stormwater drainage systems.

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